
Special k nier automata
Special k nier automata

special k nier automata special k nier automata special k nier automata

It doesn't include the times when the game tries to trick you into thinking that the game has ended. This page is about the unusual, context-sensitive methods by which players trigger a Game Over screen.

  • Performing any stupid thing which causes death of the Player Character, especially when not in battle.
  • You lose in a way that renders the Player Character Deader Than Dead, such as erasing yourself from existence completely.
  • Odd or bizarre noncanon bad endings that the player can choose to acquire, usually involving failing a mission objective in a way that causes the death of the main characters, often in a way that no stat bonus on Earth could get the player out of.
  • Punishment game overs that the game levies against usually unsuspecting players who attempt to break the rules or derail the plot (e.g., when the game actually lets you say "no" to the main quest - and averts But Thou Must!, or triggering a case of You Lose at Zero Trust or a Reality-Breaking Paradox).

  • Special k nier automata